4th Poster Contest about Typography and Printing

The Museum of Typography, Crete, Greece, has the pleasure to announce the 4th International Poster Contest about Typography and Printing, as the greek word “τυπογραφία” to which the museum is dedicated, includes both arts.

Participants are mainly professionals and students of graphic and visual arts, as well as amateurs who can translate their ideas into posters. The thirty posters that will be distinguished by the jury will be presented at an exhibition, hosted at the amphitheater of the Museum for a year, until the next competition.

The aim of the contest is to conect the present and future of graphic arts to typography, printing and their history.

More information, photographs and ideas about typography and printing can be found on the Museum's website www.typography-museum.gr, along with a virtual tour of most parts of the Museum.

The creators of the first three posters that will be distinguished, will also receive money awards:

For the winner 1.000 €

For the second 700 €

For the third 500 €

The posters will be judged by a jury composed of (alphabetically):

Dimitris ArvanitisGraphic Designer, member of AG I - Alliance Graphique Internationale

Yannis Garedakis, publisher – founder of Haniotika nea newspaper, Chairman of the Museum of Typography

Lila Kalogeri, illustrator

Antonis Papantonopoulos, graphic designer, printer, artist

Tzanetos Petropouleas, graphic designer

Juan Diego Restrepo, graphic designer, winner of the 3rd poster contest

The poster exhibition will be inaugurated on Saturday 23 June 2018, at 7:30 pm. During the event the thirty best posters will be presented and their creators will receive honorary dinstinctions.

Participation terms:

1) All participants must send their creations by Sunday, May 13th 2018 by email to: typography.poster@gmail.com. It should be accompanied by a text file containing the following information: full name, place of residence and contact information (phone and email) and – optionally – a brief description of the project (up to 100 words). Both files should be named with the contestants full name in latin characters.

2) The poster dimensions must be 50×70 cm. PDF, CMYK, images at 200 ppi and not exceed 25 Mb. Otherwise it should be sent by wetransfer or other similar service.

3) The contest is open to anyone wishing to take part with only one (1) project. Employees of “Haniotika Nea SA” and “Museum of Typography” are excluded from the contest.

4) The Museum logo can be found at www.typography-museum.gr/logos.pdf

6)The results of the contest will be announced during the inauguration of the exhibition, that will take place in the amphitheatre of the “Museum of Typography”on Saturday 23 June 2018, at 7:30 pm. After the presentation of the exhibition the results will be announced on the website of the “Museum of Typography” www.typography-museum.gr, on its official facebook page www.facebook.com/MouseioTypographias, in the newspaper “Haniotika Nea” and on www.haniotika-nea.gr.

Regarding intellectual property rights:

1. Creators of the thirty projects that will be rewarded or receive honorary distinction declare that they do not maintain any intellectual property rights on the creations that they will deliver.

2. The “Museum of Typography” may reuse without damage the entire work submitted by the thirty creators mentioned above or part of it, freely for any purpose and in any way, unchanged or modified at its own discretion.

3. Participation in the contest automatically implies the acceptance of terms of the present notice of contest.