Conference about the environment and the ecosystems 23/7/2018

Conference on the theme "Environment and Ecosystems" will be held on Monday, July 23 2018 at 6:30 pm. at the Museum of Typography, as part of the 7th Summer School on Environmental Journalism organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Media of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Institute of Applied Communication of the Department of Communication and Media of the University of Athens, the Foundation of Technology and Research (FORTH) and the Regional Press Institute. Co-organizers are the Region of Crete - Regional Unity of Chania, the Municipality of Apokoronas, the Municipality of Platanias, the Chania Bar Association - Environmental Law Observatory, the Museum of Natural History of the University of Crete, the Environmental Education Center of Vamos and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Chania with the support of the Regional Development Fund of Crete.
The evening will begin with a guided tour of the Museum of Typography and will be followed by speeches according to the following program:
19.10-19.30: “Does our Culture Have Future?”
Speaker: Ioannis Filis, Professor, former Rector of the Technical University of Crete
19.30-19.50: “Integrated Urban Solid Waste Management in Chania District District by DEDISA SA”
Speaker: Yannis Koutrakis, Vice President, DEDISA
19.50-20.10: “Environmental Protection”
Speaker: Dr. Petros Lyberakis, President of the Samaria National Park / Researcher at the Natural History Museum of Crete
20.10-20.30: Transnational Advocacy Networks. The case of the "Climate Action Network" Speaker: Michopoulou Vasiliki, Journalist / Biologist, University of the Peloponnese
20.30-21.00: Discussion
Coordinator: Giorgos Plios, President / Professor, Department of Communication and Media, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Member of the Board of Directors of the National Council of Radio and Television.