Educational Workshop on Renaissance Typography, Cretan Literature and Street Art 4/11/17

A workshop on " Renaissance Typography meets Cretan Literature through Street Art" will be held on Saturday, November 4, 2017 at the Museum of Typography.
The participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the history of Greek writing and typography, the Cretan literature of the Renaissance and the course of street art.
The workshop is organized by the Museum of Typography, the Department of Secondary Educaton in Chania and the Department of Graphic Design of the Athens School of Art Studies. Also, schools from all over Crete that participated in the same regional network last year will have the opportunity to present their actions.
This is the second consecutive year that students of Crete meet Erotokritos and Erofili, learn about the early Greek typography and express themselves through street art, thanks to the network created by the students' group, Tyropropion, of the Graphic Design Department of the School of Art Studies of the ATEI of Athens the Departments of Secondary Education of Chania and Lasithi with the support of the Museum of Typography.
The aim of the project is to connect two different means of visual communication, early typography and street art, with the unsurpassed works of Cretan literature so that cultural tradition, education and artistic expression can communicate constructively the past, present and future.

The program of the conference:
10.00 - 10.30 Registration Entries
10.45 - 11.00 Greetings
11: 00-12: 00 "History of Greek Writing and Typography", Giorgos Matthiopoulos
12: 00-12: 15 "Street Art: The Course in Time", Olga Verikaki
12: 15-12: 30 "The Cretan Shakespeare and Erotokritos", Filitsa Pediaditis
12:30 Coffee Break
12: 45-14: 00 Presentation of High School Programmes 2016-2017
14: 00-15: 00 Network Evaluation - Presentation of the objectives of the program for 2017-2018, Coordination of theDiscussion Areti Marmataki
15: 00-15: 45 Break
15: 45-16: 30 Tour to the Museum of Typography
16: 30-17: 00 Workshop: Techniques for the application of the grecs du roi font in Street Art