Kostas Livadas live in Typography Museum, 13/1/2016

A musical journey at the 18 years of Costas Livadas in Greek music scene will be held on Wednesday January 13 at 8 pm at the Typography Museum, on the occasion of the presentation of the new cd of the beloved musical "18 years road". With Costas Livadas will also perform Erofili.


he double cd includes all the songs of Kostas Livadas, since 1997 to date.
For the"music adulthood" of Kostas Livadas will speak John Lyviakis, journalist of the newspaper "Haniotika new" and personal friend of the composer, Panagiotis Orphanides, director of the radio station "Diktyo FM 91.5" and Matthew Frantzeskakis, Editor the monthly newspaper "City's Compass".

After the presentations will follow a concert will Kostas Leivada's the best musical moments!